How can you Lose Pounds in 5 weeks?
Week 1: Add real fruits and real vegetables to each meal. Now fruit chews, fruit roll ups and fruit or veg juice doesn’t count. You need the real deal here to get the natural fiber to grab the fat cells out of your body. Plus the natural vitamins and minerals in these foods does a body good.
Week 2: No more fast food! This includes pizza, favorite mochas and boxed processed food! Get back in the kitchen and learn to make delicious meals for yourself and your family.
Week 3: Give up white breads and grains. Switch out to whole wheat bread, brown rice and whole wheat pasta. Why? My mom use to give this example, would you buy a tube of white glue? Because once that white bread gets through your intestines it looks like white thick glue in there. Nothing nutritious is going through your body, it is just gunking your body up. Just some food for thought there.
Week 4: Use a fruit or veggie as the base of a snack. For example apples with a little peanut butter.
Week 5: No more soda or sugary drinks, cut back on candy eaten too. Sugar causes insulin spikes therefore not allowing your body to burn the sugar that has turned to fat stored. If you want to get rid of your stored fat in your body you have to keep your body on a plateau not a continuous state of peaks and valleys with sugar spikes.
You would be amazed how many pounds you can lose when you cut back on excess sugary products or processed foods. After the birth of my son I was trying to lose my baby weight. I sat down and looked at my diet. I realized if I cut out the fast food and pizza every week, along with only one Dr. Pepper a day I cut out a lot of calories, sugar and fat from my diet. In a month I dropped almost 10 pounds. I increased my water and vegetables. I had never counted calories before so I was still not doing that at this time. The next month I looked for even more ways due to some new found motivation and I figured out cutting my favorite mochas size from a venti to a grande and then replaced the milk with non-fat and no whip crème. I then lost almost another 10 pounds that month and that was huge for me! Simple easy steps that are do-able when starting out with weight loss; it is a lifestyle change not a temporary thing. These steps listed above are a great way to start seeing results to get you going on a good path.
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