The more and more I research about food the more I want to become a control freak about what I eat, how it is grown and who to buy from. I know let go-breath :)
I have recently started drinking more protein shakes because 1) I am a very busy momma 2) my company sell the protein powder and 3) it is convient. I could go on about health and the body but that will come later.
While researching for some other moms about proteins and their kids whom are athletes I came across some fairly startling research. I shouldn't be surprised but I was when I read this. bought, tested and analyzed the quality of 17 different protein based product. These 17 different types of proteins are what consumers buy for body building to weight management. Products we would buy from our local stores to feed ourselves and our children.
Here is what the "surprise" was some of these tested positive for lead (exceeded the recommended allowed amount we can consume daily). Some contained a lot more carbohydrates or cholestrol than advertised on the container or even less protein that they claimed was in it. Hello!! What is wrong with this picture? What happened to being responsible in our production and labeling of consumable products? A total of 5 out of 17 got a label from this lab as "Buyer Beware" or not approved due to what the label claims and actual ingredients were not matching up. Consumerlab then sent these 5 out to other independent labs for further analysis.
Why this would be a problem for us. Let's start with less protein listed if it's not protein in the powder then what it is? One product actually had 16 fewer grams of protein that's almost 70% less than they claimed on the label. This same product had 16 grams of carbohydrates including 3 extra grams of sugar. See it had to have something else in it.
Next is lead, heavy metals build up in our bodies and create a lot of health problems for us. Those metals do not come out naturally, they store up in our bodies unless you detox or cleanse them out safely. One of these 5 had a total of 12.7 micrograms of lead per scoop. Problem is when they call for 2 or more scoops a day this will exceed our safe consumable amount.
Another one of the 5 had claimed to have had 0, zero amount of cholestrol in it. Not the case, it has a whopping 10.2 mg of it in a scoop!!! Wow!!
So let me get on my soapbox here for a second please. Educate yourself!! Before you go buy! If you are intrested educate yourself then test the "experts" you know and see if they know what they are talking about. I'm not being biased here but I will give you a solution to your problem if you want clean, nutritious protein powder. I love our isagenix product, I give it to our kids and our one year old. That is how confident I am that it is pure they have a "no compromise" policy. IF our label states 24 grams of protein, goodness that's what is in there. OK enough of my soapbox....
I say it over and over when I learned how to eat right and fuel my body the pounds started falling off me and I have tons of energy. I think you might be surprised how many pesticides are allowed in our food. Not only on our fruit and vegetables but everything. Our food supply has changed and therefore how our bodies are reacting is changing. More health problems, more chronic illnesses, obesity, and even cancer.
Much love,
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